Side Effects of Avocados You Must Know!

avocado side effects

Avocados are known for their unlimited health benefits. This fruit is marketed so that you would literally think your life is a waste if it’s not about avocados. There is no doubt that avocados are rich in fats, fibre, vitamins and minerals but have you ever thought about whether avocado is bad for you? Are there any side-effects of avocados because there are people claiming avocados can kill you and all that?

Well, despite avocados being a “superfood”, like any other food, they have their good and bad side. It depends on individual sensitivities, allergies or excessive use of avocados. Today, our Fresh Elements restaurant team will explain to you how avocados can be bad for you.

Side Effects Of Avocados

There are certain risks associated with avocados. They include

Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions from avocados are very rare but they can still happen. Some people can be severely allergic to the fruit. This allergy can be divided into two types.

  • Oral Allergy syndrome happens when the body misreads avocados in your system. It can take certain proteins in avocados as pollen allergens. The symptoms of this allergy include itching, swelling, and tingling sensation in the mouth, lip, throat or tongue.
  • Also, very interesting but people who are allergic to latex are allergic to avocados too because they share the same proteins. Symptoms may include hives, stomach pain, or, in severe cases, anaphylaxis.

Any allergic reaction from avocados must be treated as early as possible so if any symptoms appear, consult your doctor immediately.

avocado fruit

Side Effects Of Avocados To Stomach

Avocados have high fibre content and fat concentration. When eaten in large amounts, it can cause gastrointestinal issues.

Usually, avocados are good for digestion as they contain fibre but if you consume too much fibre, it can lead to bloating, gas and other discomforts. People who are not used to high-fibre diets are more prone to gastrointestinal issues caused by avocados.

Moreover, Avocados can also cause upset stomach. The high-fat content in avocados can cause nausea or upset stomach in some individuals. Especially, in people with irritable bowel syndrome fats can trigger the symptoms.

Weight Gain

Avocados are very much advocated for weight loss as they are healthy fats. However, consuming them in large quantities can lead to weight gain. One medium-sized avocado has about 250 calories and 23 grams of fat. Eating more avocados can cause calorie overload too. So eating large portions of avocados will significantly cause weight gain as it results in excessive calories.

If you are looking for weight loss, include avocados carefully in your diet.

Possible Drug Interactions

If you are on certain medications, you should be careful about avocados as they can interact with certain medications like blood thinners. Warfarin is a commonly known blood thinning medication. Avocados interact with this medication and may result in blood clotting.

Eating large quantities of avocado while on Warfarin may decrease the medication’s effectiveness. People on blood-thinning medications need to discuss their avocado intake with their doctor to monitor and dosage adjustments if necessary.

Side Effects Of Avocados For Liver

Avocados have side effects on the liver too. Some avocado varieties are bad for the liver and if consumed in large quantities, they can cause severe toxicity. Mexican Avocados contain estragole and anethole, compounds that have been linked to liver damage in high amounts. Usually, these compounds are harmless in small quantities but if someone has a liver condition, it can be bad for them. Always avoid eating unripe avocado in large quantities.

High Potassium Levels

Potassium is very good for health. It keeps your heart health in check and also reduces depression. Well, this happy potassium, if ingested in large quantities can cause severe side effects. Over-consuming potassium-rich foods can lead to hyperkalemia, a condition where potassium levels in the blood are too high.

Its symptoms include

  • muscle weakness
  • fatigue
  • irregular heartbeats,
  • and in severe cases, heart failure.

People with kidney issues may be more susceptible, as their bodies have difficulty processing excess potassium. Especially, individuals with chronic kidney disease should monitor their potassium intake, including from avocados, to avoid complications.

avocado fruit

Side Effects Of Avocado Oil On Skin

People don’t only eat raw avocados but avocado oil is also used for cooking, skincare and cosmetics. Side effects of avocado also extend to avocado oil. Though it is rich in vitamins, has moisturizing and healing properties and can repair damaged skin. 

  • It can cause allergic reactions on the skin which can cause redness, swelling or hives. In some rare severe cases, individuals may also develop contact dermatitis. So we always recommend doing a patch test before using avocado oil on the skin.
  • Avocado oil is generally non-comedogenic, but it can still cause acne breakouts in some people. The oil is thick and not suitable for people who already have oily skin. It can clog pores and cause pimples and blackheads. Also, try using it with lighter oil, such as jojoba or argan oil, to reduce the risk of breakouts.
  • Avocado oil also has high unsaturated fats that may cause increased sensitivity to the sun. Applying avocado oil and going under the sun can cause skin burns and irritation.
  • Avocado oil when applied on the skin leaves a greasy residue which can be sticky and non-pleasant.
  • This oil is moisturizing but over-use can make it less effective at self-regulating its oil production. In turn, this can lead to clogged pores, irritation, or an overly oily complexion.
  • Avocado oil side effects also include reaction with other skin care ingredients Like exfoliants and retinols.
  • People with sensitive skin can experience redness, burning and stinging sensation after applying avocado oil. Individuals having skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema or rosacea, should avoid using direct avocado oil on skin.

Avocado-Induced Migraine

People who suffer migraines may experience headaches after eating avocados. In avocados, a natural compound tyramine is found. This compound is also present in fermented products and aged cheese. In some people, Tyramine triggers migraines. If it happens, they are advised to limit their avocado intake.

Potential for Nutrient Imbalance

This is another avocado side effect. Though Avocados are a great source of monounsaturated fats, over-relying on them in the diet might lead to an imbalance in nutrient intake. Especially if other essential nutrients are neglected. So to maintain your best diet routine, mix and match avocados with other foods too. You can pair them with other lean proteins, whole grains, and vegetables.

Histamine Intolerance

Histamines cause allergy-like symptoms that can include itching, headaches and flushing. Avocados contain histamines. Although not a true allergy, histamine intolerance results from the body’s inability to break down histamine efficiently, leading to uncomfortable symptoms after eating high-histamine foods like avocados. Someone with such a condition must consult their doctor for avocado use.

Though the side effects of Avocados seem very much of concern, consuming avocados in moderation is key.

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