Can You Eat Cottage Cheese on a Carnivore Diet?

cottage cheese on carnivore diet

Can You Eat Cottage Cheese on a Carnivore Diet?

Ah yes! you can eat cottage cheese on a carnivore diet but it is a grey area. You can include certain dairy products in your carnivore diet and cottage cheese, added wisely, can be one of them.

As the carnivore diet consists strictly of animal-based food, many people get confused regarding dairy as they don’t come directly under the carnivore diet. In a carnivore diet, there is no plant-based food included and the main focus is high-protein and high-fat animal products. This reduces inflammation and improves digestion and your health. So today, we will talk about whether you can eat cottage cheese on a carnivore diet and what type of cheese you can add.

Is Cottage Cheese Allowed on the Carnivore Diet?

To understand that, we need to know all about cottage cheese, its nutritional profile and how it can fit into the carnivore diet.

  • cottage cheese is loaded with proteins and carnivores’ diet focuses on protein intake. So this makes it a good fit for a carnivore diet.
  • It also contains fats. Different levels of varying fats like full-fat, non-fat or low-fat help tailor diet plans for a carnivore diet.
  • Cottage cheese is low in carbs. Which makes it a good fit for a carnivore diet.

cottage cheese in breakfast

Now why should you add cottage cheese to your carnivore diet is

  • It is rich in calcium which makes it a healthy option for bones.
  • It has vitamin B12 which is good for nerve and brain functions.
  • Cottage cheese has phosporus which makes it a healthy option for bone and teeth.
  • The protein content is very good for muscle growth and strength.
  • As protein keeps you full so you don’t get hungry over and over again.
  • The vitamins help in energy production and boost your metabolism keeping you fit and healthy.
  • Cottage cheese also has probiotics which makes it very healthy for gut and digestive health.

Potential Side Effects Of Adding Cottage Cheese

The carnivore diet is strictly an animal-based fat and protein diet. No carb is allowed. However, cottage cheese has a certain amount of carbs present in it.

Some people can be lactose intolerant and it can cause bloating or gas. So if you are to add cottage cheese to your diet, you have to choose the right type of cheese. Full-fat cottage cheese is good for a focused carnivore diet.

Also, avoid adding sugar, thickener or other ingredients to your cheese to make it more diet-friendly. Even if you are allowed to eat cottage cheese while on a carnivore diet, consume it in moderation.

Moreover, listen to your body. If adding cottage cheese is making a positive impact on your body, continue with it,

How You Can Use Cottage Cheese on a Carnivore Diet

  • You may add it as a protein snack. Just simple as it is. Just take a bowl of cottage cheese and sprinkle a few pinches of salt on it. It is a very good and portable snack too.
  • Use it as a side dish with your meat-based meal. Add it to salad or steak for more creaminess.
  • Use cottage cheese in breakfast with scrambled eggs and bacon and enjoy a healthy meal.
  • You can also add cottage cheese with beef, salmon or boiled eggs.
  • Add cottage cheese to innovative recipes like used cheese with mashed eggs and make batter for pancakes.

What Cheese is OK on the Carnivore Diet?

Apart from cottage cheese, you may be confused about what type of cheese is ok to eat while on a carnivore diet. Well, here are a few options for you

  • You can eat hard cheese like cheddar, parmesan or Swiss cheese in your carnivore diet.
  • Soft cheese like Brie and Camembert is also a good option.
  • People who are lactose intolerant can use aged cheese in their diet. They are easier to digest.
  • Full-fat cheeses are also a good option. However, avoid low-fat or fat-free versions.

cottage cheese in carnivore diet

What Dairy is Allowed on a Carnivore Diet?

You can add certain dairy products to your carnivore diet apart from cheeses. The dairy products that you can eat are

  • Pure butter
  • Full-fat heavy cream without added sugars.
  • Aged and high-fat cheese.
  • Greek yoghurt (in moderation)

Can You Eat Cottage Cheese Instead of Meat?

Well, cheese may be healthy and high in fats and proteins, but you must not use cottage cheese instead of meat in a carnivore diet. It can’t replace meat because Cottage cheese may be high in protein but meat provides amino acids and nutrients that cheese can’t match alone. So add cheese to bring variety to the diet but not as a substitute for meat.

Is There a Cottage Cheese Diet?

Yes. The cottage cheese diet uses cottage cheese as a main focused ingredient of the diet but first, it is used for a certain period and secondly, this diet is used for short-term weight loss. In a carnivore diet, cottage cheese just can be an addition but not a primary ingredient.

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